Over 130 sessions and 250+ free papers.

ESSKA is proud of the platform its biennial Congress provides to showcase the best science-related to sports traumatology, knee surgery and arthroscopy.  A wide range of session formats is used to deliver quality education accredited with 22 CME credits (ECMEC®s) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®). Continually innovating and evolving, the 2022 Congress features many new session formats. Further information on session formats can be found by clicking on the “Session Type” tabs.

Online Programme

The scientific programme for the ESSKA 2022 Congress is now online!

Click below to open the Session Planner updated in real-time.

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Highlights from the programme are:

  • 1 Presidential Lecture given by the ESSKA President.
  • 1 Presidential Guest Lecture given by a special guest of the Congress President.
  • 8 Highlight Lectures, as reflected in their title, are considered by many as the main attractions of the scientific programme and not to be missed.
  • 16 Keynote Lectures which focus on trending topic in orthopedics.
  • 26 Instructional Course Lectures (ICLs) are at the centre of the scientific programme reflecting ESSKA’s core educational mission. They share knowledge and techniques in the field of orthopedics featuring top speakers from ESSKA’s Sections, Committees and Working Groups.
  • 50 Symposia featuring a new mix of tradition and innovation, including Lecture and Discussion, How Do I Do It?, Battle, Debate and Discussion and two new formats launched for ESSKA 2022: Science Opens the Mind and State of the Art.
  • 3 Consensus Symposia based on ESSKA’s Consensus Projects.
  • 7 Partner Symposia co-hosted by ESSKA and Partner Societies featuring trending topics and cases. The Partner Socieites participating in a symposium are AANA, AOSSM, APKASS, ICRS, ISAKOS, ISHA and SLARD.
  • 8 Affiliated Society Symposia featuring speakers representing Affiliated Societies.
  • 4 Radiology Sessions, new for 2022, feature the best radiologists and renowned experts in the field of musculoskeletal radiology giving a thorough overview of state-of-the-art MR imaging of different pathologies of the knee, shoulder, hip and ankle.
  • 9 Hot Topic Battles, new for 2022, with renowned experts debating controversial topics related to knee, osteotomy, meniscus, shoulder, ankle, hip and sports medicine.
  • 1 Team Physician Course, also a welcome new addition for 2022.
  • 1 Star Paper Session includes the top 6 ranked abstracts.
  • 250+ Free Papers with the higher-ranked abstracts submitted to the Congress presented briefly followed by a short discussion with the audience.